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Rent Information

Learn about the different processes and requirements of Rent Geared to Income versus Low-End Market Rent.


What is Rent Geared to Income?

Rent-geared-to-income (RGI) housing is a form of subsidized housing. Rent is based directly on the tenant’s income, usually averaging 30 percent of the gross monthly household income.

If the household is receiving assistance from Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), a social assistance rent scale is applied to determine rent.

Applications to RGI housing can only be made directly to Simcoe County Social Housing Department. Eligible applications are entered into a centralized wait-list system, and units are offered on a chronological basis as they become available in our portfolio.

How Do I Apply?

Print: Print a copy of the application here.

Pick Up
: Applications can be picked up at the Social and Community Services office located at 1110 Highway 26, Midhurst, ON.

​Mail Request
: Request that an application be mailed to you by calling 705-725-7215, and pressing​ ‘3’.

What is Low-End Market Rent?

Low-End Market Rent is residential rent that is not classified as Subsidized Rent or Affordable Rent under any affordable housing program.

Market rents are typically set according to the Canada's Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s average rate and is increased annually based on the Government of Ontario's "Rent Increase Guideline".

How Do I Apply?

Online: Apply online here.

Pick Up: Applications can be picked up from all Barrie Housing’s offices, they are located in Barrie at the following locations: 339 Huronia Road (our Head Office), 549 Yonge Street (the Tenant Services Office), and 205 Kozlov Street (the Community Development Department).

Mail Request: Request that an application be mailed to you by calling 705-727-0414, and pressing​ ‘231’.

You may return your completed application, including all required documentation, by email, mail or in person.

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